Remove your artwork from packing and layout on the floor. Allow about an hour for the panel(s) to flatten out. Arrange in the order of installation. If you have multiple panels, they will be numbered on the back from left to right.
It’s possible you will have to make adjustments and trim boarders, based on the height and width of your surface area. Position each numbered panel on the surface from left to right. You can temporally secure them with masking tape or small tacks in the outer corners. This will help to visualize the final product and make any minor adjustments.
We suggest either a long level, plumb-bob or a laser-line tool (all available at most hardware stores) ensuring your first panel is perfectly vertical, then the remaining panels should follow right in line. Never use the corner of a room as your guide, this is rarely ever straight. Use your leveling tool on the right side of your first panel marking the surface with a pencil or chalk line to use as a guideline. The laser line projector is a great tool, as it removes the need to mark the wall and is easy to reposition as you go.